Friday, July 24, 2009

Blog Time Management

Time management…ugh, most often my nightmare, here it is 5 am and I am just getting to this blog blitz for…yes, you guessed it…time management. The team of Karen Leland and Keith Bailey has written a book: Time Management in an Instant: 60 Ways to Make the Most of Your Day. This writer needs to change some bad habits and Karen and Keith discuss habits of action.

I have great intentions…I have written two books and numerous blogs and short stories so I know I can be motivated, but what about the blank page and the days I procrastinate and what about when I “gather metaphorical dust”? These are the days when discipline is out the backdoor.

Three habits are suggested by Leland and Bailey: #1-Focus on the trees not the forest, #2-Take energetic credit for completion, #3 Time-Planning: Put a stop to putting it off. For a full expansion of these how-to habit suggestions get on board the time machine.

Buy a copy of Time Management In An Instant the week of July 20th and receive a free license to the Essential Email online course. To buy the book and claim your bonus, or just to buy the book go to:
While email is the most widely used communication tool for business, its remote nature - which eliminates tone of voice and body language - presents a huge potential for mischief, misunderstanding and misinterpretation. This online program will help you go beyond basic email etiquette, to the proven principles and practices for gaining mastery and saving time over your electronic mail box.

Karen Leland and Keith Bailey are the bestselling authors of six books including Time Management In An Instant: 60 Ways to Make the Most of Your Day. They are the co-founders of Sterling Consulting Group, which helps organizations and individuals learn how to fight distraction and find their focus in a wired world. For more information please contact:

Have the best day everyday…


Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Blog to the Beach

“To the Beach” the sign reads with an arrow pointing down the road. I sniff the air and follow the arrow and the scent of the ocean leads me to a sand path with wisps of beach grass and flowers. The walk is short and familiar; we have spent many summers on this beach, coming back to the same rental, year after year. Our only complaint is that it is never long enough, because just when we get a rhythm going we have to leave. Next year maybe we will stay longer, long enough to get bored. For now our beach vacation is over and we are packing up, going home and the sun has barely risen, and the beach is nearly empty when I climb the path one final time. The shore comes into view. I hold my breath for an instant caught in the intake of the oceans beauty. I walk to her edge and whisper my goodbyes. “I’ll be back,” I say. ‘Wait for me, don’t forget me.” The sand slips between my toes and the water laps my ankles in acknowledgment of my request.

“To the Beach” the sign on my refrigerator reads. The arrow points to the porch and beyond. “Remember me,” I say as I sniff the air and follow the tip of the arrow.

Join me on Friday, June 24th for a blog post about a writer’s worst nightmare: how to avoid distractions and stay focused. “Time Management In An Instant” by Karen Leland and Keith Bailey will spark the discipline writer’s like I need to better manage time and to keep writing.

Have the best day every day…
