I have been making apple pies since the seventies, perfecting the crust, the texture, the apples and the taste…tart. My pies have been a staple in our building of traditions, one pillar among many. We are a family of foodies and there are occasions that require apple pie. Twenty years ago, Pat Brooks (New York Times) praised the crust (like grandma used to make) and its taste. That was in the days when you could bring baked goods to local establishments and “sell” them with out worries of the health department or salmonella.
This weekend I entered my green apple pie in a local agricultural fair, one that brings their blue ribbon apple pies to the state fair. I entered without expectation, just for the fun of it. I had long ago ceased to “sell” my goods and now baked only for those whom I loved.
My pie won a red ribbon, second place…I was thrilled because the competition was intense, many pies to taste by the judges. Only later did I learn that I lost by a mere four points because the pie was tart. Bravo to the judges…their taste buds were correct, green apple pie is tart. I guess I will have to enter again next year and assuage red apple pie palates. Touché…
Interview on Thursday…”Meet the Author” http://wxci.org 91.7 FM on your radio at 9:30 am and again on Sunday the 30th at 9:30 am. You can stream the broadcast on your computer.
Have the best day everyday.