Songs are souvenirs…so said Dan Fogelberg in a radio interview back in 1997. Through the efforts of people like Fred Migliore, Jean Fogelberg and FM Odyssey Radio the fans of Dan Fogelberg can hear him speak about his passion for music in the CD: Dan Fogelberg – A Retrospective Interview. This is a collection of thirteen Fogelberg songs which allows listeners to go past his lyrics into his wonderful insights about life, writing music and performing as an artist.
In the tunes “Don’t Lose Heart” and “Part of the Plan” we are encouraged by the beauty of Dan’s lyrics to always remain hopeful and that all of us are living out our parts on the stage of life. Dan Fogelberg: A Retrospective Interview invites fans to be guests of an unusually intimate conversation and to hear in Dan’s own voice the inner workings of his inspirations. It was chilling to realize that the essence of the music remained but that the personal meanings had changed since his death, much in the way Dan unknowingly explained in the interview.
“Same Old Lang Syne” is one of my favorite Fogelberg tunes. We are privy to how the lyrics unfolded, how they were spun out of a real encounter that was greatly romanticized by the artist. And the final song about Dan's father, a tribute to his family and to “The Leader of the Band” touches our reality with the simple truth that the living legacy is gone; and because of this odd twist of fate we are grateful to be left with his musical genius.
There is a message from Dan Fogelberg on the inside of the CD cover. He encourages every man to get PSA and DRE tests every year. To hear the words "you have cancer" is never easy, but to hear these words about a loved one is even more difficult. Early detection and medical intervention can make the difference. I know because I am blessed to love a wonderful man who is a prostate cancer survivor. Please remember that your purchase of this 2 CD Collector’s Edition will aid in the research for prostate cancer, and for anyone who reads this post and makes a special comment you can win a lost segment edition of a one-of-a-kind CD with forty-five additional minutes of Dan’s interview with Fred Migliore. So post here today or come back in a few days…I would love to hear from you.
Have the best day everyday.
What a gift to oneself to own this CD. I cannot wait to host this tour (4/22). I too have a dear friend who is a prostate cancer survivor. So, Mr. Fogelberg's CD is extra special to me as well.
Bravo to everyone involved in the production of this recording and bravo to Mr. Fogelberg for giving the gift.
-Susan Wingate
Thanks, I will look forward to your post on the 22nd.
Best, Linda
A very interesting blog, Linda. What a legacy Dan Fogelberg left behind. Thanks for letting me know about it. I would love to hear his words of wisdom.
And happy birthday to BELLY (that sounds funny, but meant sincerely). I love your book. You have much talent.
Hugs - Betty
P.S. I'm co-authoring a book of celebrity interviews with author Chase Von; due out shortly. It's called "Dream Reachers" and has my old interviews with Clint Eastwood, Jane Russell, etc and Chase Von's NEW interviews with up-and-coming achievers. I'll let you know the release date. It's my first nonfiction book. Yay!
Hi Linda
I just wanted to post a message and let you know I really enjoyed your review. Its so great to hear about how Dan's music touched so many people on so many levels :)
Nikki Leigh
Nice review, makes me want a copy!
Thanks for reviewing!
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