Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Blog a Friend

Word Wednesday

The American Heritage defines FRIEND two ways, the first: a person whom one knows, likes and trusts.  Hudson Catalina, the main character in my novel of the same name, learns about friendship while she is held hostage by a killer.  There are two other hostages, Ruby Desmond an elderly black woman, very wise and brave, as well as autistic Willy Wu, the young man who becomes Hudson’s unlikely hero.  In a life or death situation, like the one these three fictional characters find themselves, the word friend is tested and retested.

I count myself wealthy in friendships.  What I lack in siblings I have been blessed with in friends.  All of whom I know, like (love) and trust, and even if I had one true friend, I would still be wealthy, for the measure of wealth is not in the tangibles but in the intangibles of human connections.

The second definition for friend is as follows: one who supports, sympathizes with, or patronizes a group, cause or movement.  In recent days I have been promoting my book, HUDSON CATALINA.  Free for two days through Amazon and now to borrow or buy.  So many followers turned into friends of the second definition.  They supported my efforts and shared their friends and in two days of free promoting ten thousand eBook copies were downloaded.  Amazing.  I extend my gratitude to these friends and their friends alike.


Although this is the last day in October which has been designated as BREAST CANCER AWARENESS month, please remember that breast cancer awareness needs to be twelve months a year.

Blog what you see, feel, think, and hear.

Live each day well … or write a book.

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