Saturday, February 9, 2008

Weekend to kick back then out of the cannon...

You can sleep late and all that good stuff. We floated into the weekend with that Moon in Pisces. If you were paying attention the energy around us did seem like we ere to sea, probably will remain until the watery moon sails off the radar about 4pm. The rest of the day into evening equates to a No Day. Hmmm. No worries. Just enjoy. Don’t worry about what you did or did not do. These are the cherished moments when you can just experience your surrounding. People on the planet tend to act like they do not know where they are…what stop was that? Oh, I missed the turn? What did I do with my keys? That coupled with other cosmic doings will remain for another few weeks. Come early morning on Sunday the Aries Moon will join us…rather ignite us. But we need a bit of flame because we are dripping wet. Expect folk to be impatient and short of temper. Actions are quick and often not thought through. Aries will remain until Monday night about 8pm. Expect to get a lot done on Monday. The boss will be cracking the whip.

Try to keep aligned with your heart and mind. Remember the thoughts about giving rather than giving up for lent and the like. If you are not so minded then just be kind to your neighbor, to your self. That’s where it begins…inside your own heart.

Stay aware. Stay healthy. Drink lots of water…

Talk later…
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