Saturday, November 17, 2007

Good Saturday

Okay so here it is the weekend and we've got a Good Saturday. Maybe a little quirky, maybe a little-go-left kind of day, but none-the-less Good. Aquarius Moon asks us to be tolerant of others, to help our neighbor by not forgetting that we are all in this together.
Went to see the film "The Ultimate Gift" last night...a sleeper, art house, Saturday matinee in Topeka kind of film, but a film with a message. A very Aquarius Moon message...if you have nothing or if you have everything it is worthless unless you have one true friend and others to share it with. Give and you will receive...your rewards may not be tangible. Can you live with that?

Check out a site, search around until you find the "Save Second Base" project related to Breast Cancer. Pink Tee shirts with two baseballs on the front and a Good message. If you are looking to give find your niche. This could be it. Stay aware every month, not just October.

Have the best day every day.

Talk later.

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