Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Debut Novel deals with Breast Cancer

Good Day...that Sagittarius Moon keeps us all fairly optimistic It will cover us until about 1pm tomorrow then settles back and coasts until 8pm. So during that time do not discuss anything that requires significant results, do not make an important phone call, ask for a raise, mail a question that you want a specific answer for...do you get it? After 8pm expect a more serious view and more business. Dry humor prevails...

My debut novel "Belly Of The Whale" being released March 1, 2008 deals with a young woman who has breast cancer. In this past Sunday's NY Times, front page story focused on a young woman with the BRCA Gene. Not identified as such in my novel, the main character's mother and grandmother have died from breast cancer. Not to exploit this awful disease but so many women and their families will be able to relate to the meaning of Belly Of The Whale. "To give up hope, is to give up life."


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