Sunday, September 16, 2007

No Night

Truth is this is the kind of night you would be better off going to bed early. Some nights are like that. The moon has gone over the edge and is in the black space of the cosmos waiting to slip into Sagittarius. This will occur at just after 8am tomorrow. So go tobed early and get up late. Huh! you say...most of us have jobs. Okay so you might over sleep but it won't matter because your boss can't find his keys and your room mate spilled coffe on her best skirt and had to return home to change. See how this works? The Sagittarius moon asks us to have a good sense of humer, speak many languages and practice optimism.

Mantra: Read, okay? Don't turn on the a good book. Select a new title from Kunati's Fall releases or Spring 07 releases. AND...Belly Of The Whale releases March 1, 2008...
So why am I posting this blog at a void moon? No to go with it...
Talk later...

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